Baby Carrot Coat The air is crisp and fresh. You can feel spr... warm and toasty all season long with the Baby Carrot Coat from the NeatoShop. This adorable little jac... ...looks like your favorite root vegetable. The Baby Carrot Coat is so cute you will just want to e... caption at reddit says, "The morning after his... or rabbit Squeez enjoying himself with the carrot'm standing in a flour storm. I... ...I'm standing in a flour storm. I have a carrot nose. Performance in Kia... which he stood in a flour storm, with a carrot link) No cartoon bunnies were harmed in... ...ent cartoon by Dylan Vanwormer and Logan Scelina. Carrot sushi chef Oki showed us... ...atest creation, Darth Vader made out of carrots ! Never has the Sith Lord looked so yummily crunch... link) This short film is subtitled "A... ...but it's more odd than violent. A driver picks up carrots off the highway and eats them. Then it gets weird... The Snowman Ice Cube - $7.95Poor Frosty t... ...quot;lumps of coals" and bright orange " carrot Jackson dug up a carrot from his home's garden, found that it was shaped... I don't think his garden is trying to build a carrot man. Now that would really be unusual. 'It was ju... the best idea are the simplest! Marc of... ...est! Marc of Wooster Collective posted this " carrot tree" in Antwerp, Belgium. Sadly, no other d... ...about? A viral campaign to make people eat their carrots ? Link may say that modern art is silly, but some may... ...a suspicious looking object shaped like a bomb. A carrot bomb, to be precies: Performance commissioned by... ...d around the premises mounting sculptures made of carrots , alarm clocks, red and blue cables, metal wire an...