Awww, those widdle Avengers look so cute when they’re babies! Not sure about the baby facial hair though, but I guess when you’re a superhero even your beard grows at an accelerated rate.The stars of this bab... celebrate the milestone of a million Facebook likes, Matthew Inman asked people to post their profile pictures to his Facebook page, so he could make cartoons of them. See the top ten photos and the cartoons he create... Link) Artist Ming Liang Lu has a rather unique way of creating portraits for customers that visit him in various subway platforms and tunnels throughout New York City-he cuts up small sheets of paper to look li... illustration makes for rather appropriate... ...celebrities and politicians for decades with his caricatures , and has been known to rock a political boat or t... subject matter may be a bit strange, as he draws everything from ALF to Italian soccer players, but Denis Medri's illustrative style is full of energy, and his playful use of color and construction lines add a hand r...