Jennifer Lapier of Colleyville, Texas, was contact... ...yville Police. "There was very little left of the car ."The shop was open on Thursday, and Lapier said n... ...The shop was open on Thursday, and Lapier said no cars inside were damaged, but the storage room has a b... more reason to buy a Volkwagen: it's cheap to... a Volkwagen: it's cheap to fix when your wife wrecks it! The ad copy actually says, "Women are soft an... ...lly, ads like this went away as more women bought cars without their husbands along to make the buying d... particular driver did not let the fact that De... ...the picture. See a larger image here. How did the car get into this position? Speculation runs from an... South Australian Motor Accident Commission has... extended arm out there to the left, but this car is actually 17 people lying on and around each ot... ...nd around each other, then painted to look like a wrecked sedan. Here's a close-up:The group of bodybuilder... ...concept to assembling the mode... Link) This video, allegedly of a Chinese-made SUV in Russia, shows a driver who is either very brave or very desperate. Also a testament to Chinese design quality. I mean, even the tail lights still work ju... link) AT&T produced this documentary about what happens when overconfident drivers think they can multitask -sending text messages while driving. It's not worth it. -via Metafilter... unnamed woman in Colorado backed her car into a canal near the town of Fruita Sunday night... ...vampire in the road and was so scared she put her car into reverse and backed away, ending up in the ca...