Kids shows are by default supposed to be free of a... ...e creation of some absolutely horrifying episodes. Captain Planet generally kept the quest to fight polluters aroun... ...e world as lighthearted as possible, but when the Planeteers faced a drug dealing scumbag named Verminous Skum... ...Bliss he falls... needs a fancy costume and a latex mask when you've got a makeup kit and some incredible application skills? Makeup artist Elsa Rhae certainly doesn't seem to need much more than her kit, a reference photo and a vivid... Link)I don't remember Captain Planet being such a badass back in the day, and the Planeteers are all grown up now and looking fierce!Here's a... ...m that takes a serious look at what a live action Captain Planet movie might look like, complete with sharp visual... Link) The lessons taught by the Captain Planet animated series were typically of an ecological o... ...from the episode that shows the craziness that is Captain Planet