When authorities don't seem to be taking... ...ess in a very unusual way: he's selling canned of fresh air collected from remote regions of the... ...He has recently started selling canned fresh air collected from “revolutionaryR...
Fresh Air in a Can...
Inflatable Van Gogh...
Inflatable Van Gogh | $11.95 For those times when you feel the need for emergency art, there's the Inflatable Van Gogh in a can, now available at the NeatoShop. It's Van Gogh's most famous work, Starry Night, that can b...
Tactical Bacon...
Tactical Bacon is ready-to-eat bacon packed 54 slices to a can for $15.99. It has a ten-year shelf life, which makes it perfect for your underground apocalypse shelter. But when you open it, you’ll have to eat all 54...
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