This is what happens when adjacent countries have... ...endar. Just like the Trojan Horse, this gift of a Canada Day cake came with a surprise inside! Canadian re...'s right -patriotic Canadians will not hoard f... kicked off a one-and-a-half day celebration of Canada Day with post after post on Canada . Link is Canada Day! Get your nails ready this weekend. Check out... ...kers, stencils, and freehand art to pay homage to Canada . The process for the design shown here can be fou... for poutine in all the wrong places...or,... ...least you are if you're looking for it outside of Canada . If you do happen to live in Canada , you have your choice of tasty poutine dishes, in...[](Video... ...)Much of the border between the United States and Canada consists of the 49° north parallel line of la... Harbour, Nova Scotia loves its native son, Si... ...ometown, received special recognition from Hockey Canada this week for its special project, which encompas... Bidini has a column in the National Post. I have no idea what he's talking about. Google Translate isn't helping a bit. Do you understand?For years, I was a keener, but after my short-lived stint as reeve of Dildo,... penny for your thoughts? Not if you're... ...Canadian! Soon, there'll be no penny in Canada . Canada 's iconic penny is slowly but surely going out of... ...ennies down and recycle the metal. Canada 's National Post has the story: Link Wilkinson of Victoria, British Columbia, ent... ...ouver's Commodore Ballroom, courtesy of Bud Light Canada . Link -via reddit (Image credit: CBC) town of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada bills itself as "The Polar Bear Capital of the Wo...