by Ron E. Hassner, University of California, Berke... ...ure 1. A specimen of Heliconius erato. The Lorenz butterfly may be a member of this species. Here is the m... ...record yet compiled of the travels of the Lorenz butterfly . The most famous butterfly in science mad... Joel SartoreNational Geographic has a neat... ...e neglected eighty eight (or 89, depending on the butterfly ) butterfly (Diaethria neglecta). Does anyone know the reason... Beddard of subblue created this nifty little F... ...lication where you can draw your own mathematical butterfly :Taken from Clifford Pickover's book, Computers an... ...the Imagination, is this experiment that creates butterfly like curves. The formula is expressed in polar co... by Martin OeggerliZebra longwing butterfly egg (Heliconius charithonia)The orange hue of thi... ...charithonia)The orange hue of this zebra longwing butterfly egg may warn predators: "Eat me if you dare.... cute video of the day comes from the Philadel... Humboldt penguins havinga bit of fun chasing a butterfly .Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] - Thanks Marty! in animals is something that is still... ...y understood by science. The beautiful Glasswing butterfly possesses this feature in abundance - a great per... ...this is a startling and little known creature.A butterfly with transparent wings? Surely not. Yet there is... ...he most exquisite - and...