Roger Angus Dorn, a rabbit also known as "Roger the Grump," lives with human Matt Christensen. Together, they pose is dioramas that recreate movie scenes. In the past we've seen Roger in Jurassic Park. To celebrate the a...[]YouTube LinkYouTube... ...roduce viewers to her Akita Raion and Jujube, her bunny . These animals are quite the friendly pair. In th... News 24 introduces us to this lucky rabbit... in the wild this winter. She's got a knitted bunny hat to keep her ears warm. And that's only the be...’ve probably heard that Australia is overrun with an invasive species: rabbits. Or at least you’ve heard of the “rabbit proof fence,” which incidentally, turned out to be anything but rabbit pr... bunnies residing with Japanese twitter user @evo3183 come with a dangerously high level of cuteness. The threat they pose is massively exacerbated by the floral crowns and fairy costumes that they wear while sitting... this short by Russian filmmaker Michael Tivikof... ...ort by Russian filmmaker Michael Tivikoff, a cute bunny rabbit is sent on a quest to deliver a magical ob... ...orbidden Kingdom. Except this time, the star is a bunny rabbit. That’s different enough.[https://yo... ...ther difference between this... Arefin is a photographer in Dkaha, Bangladesh. For the past year, he’s owned two rabbits. The couple recently welcomed a litter of four kits into the world. So Arefin has been busy photographing the baby r...’ve seen the cartoon trope of an animal t... ...teaching rabbits to walk on their front legs?"The bunny has proved to be a very popular draw among zoo pa... draw among zoo patrons. That’s one smart bunny . -via Arbroath[] (YouTube link)It&rsq... song from Parry Gripp, and this one is about bunny love!I’m a Boppity Bunny and I need your loveVisit me at the bunny shelter, give me a hugDrive me to a fancy restaur... ...rSet me down on the lettuce in...[] (YouTube link)TheMad... make a choice.Wallace is far from a slave. The bunny