[http://youtu.be/AqVfoZdYaDQ] (YouTube link)I&rsqu... ...this PSA from VH1. The kids who are victimized by bullies as children dream of growing up and being just as... ...ld change for the cool kids, the victims, and the bullies . -also via Time Newsfeed
Anti-Bullying Messages...
Student Records Bullies, Gets Hauled into Court
An unnamed sophomore at South Fayette High School... ...mother had already made a transcript. The alleged bullies heard on the recording were not disciplined. Sout...
They Paid You For That? 7 Pointless and Crazy Science Experiments...
Have you every read about some new science experim... ...lly active. Source | Photo Via Miss604 [Flickr] Bullies Like Seeing Pain:If bullies were compassionate they would sit around crying w... ...did anyone need to set up a study to confirm that bullies enjoy seeing other p...
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