Neatorama Posts Tagged "brazil"
Attempting to Load a Vehicle on a Ship...

[] (YouTube link)When...  ...ship from a pier. This was recorded somewhere in Brazil . -via reddit
Pup Hits the Floor Along with His Humans During Drug Bust...

The dog shown in the photo above decided to play i...  ...t Thursday in Santa Catarina, a state in southern Brazil . At first the male dog was barking at police, but...
There Goes the Bus...

[] (YouTube link)When...  ...e driver took a wrong turn. Heavy rains have left Brazil with massive drainage problems and flooding. On a...
Piranha Feeding Frenzy...

[]YouTube LinkPiranhas...  ...://]YouTube LinkPiranhas in a Brazilian river are frenzied as they voraciously devour foo...
Woman's Bra Stops a Bullet...

(Photo: Reprodução/TV Liberal)Ivete...  ...ilde;o/TV Liberal)Ivete Medeiros of Belém, Brazil was shopping at a supermarket one day when she wa...
Dog Chases Ambulance Carrying His Human...

[]YouTube LinkWhen a ho...]YouTube LinkWhen a homeless man in Brazil had an epileptic seizure, his dog Spike wasn't ab...
Brazilian Man Spots Giant Anaconda, Grabs It By the Tail

[]YouTube LinkIn a vide...  ...t language in which it's expressed, this group of Brazilians in a small boat spot a massive anaconda. As the w...
The Sideways Waterfall...

Most waterfalls occur in a places where the path o...  ...River that runs along the border of Argentina and Brazil . These falls run sideways, but it’s only a...
Old Spice Goes to Brazil

Everyone wants to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup. Even Terry Crews of the f...  ...someone as spectaculawesofantastic as Crews go to Brazil ? You wouldn't expect him to hop on an airplane an...
People From Around The World Posing With Their Daily Food Intake...

Daily food intakes vary dramatically around the wo...  ...esSolange Da Silva Correia, Rancher’s Wife, Brazil – 3,400 CaloriesMaria Ermelinda Ayme Sichig...

NeatoShop Products Tagged "brazil"
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