It’s hard to stir up hatred when you are caught fraternizing with the enemy! Just ask King Koopa. He may think the Mushroom Kingdom is behind the hacking, but we know the leak is more likely the work of one of his... always assume they're the hero when playin... ...eless animals from that hyperactive hedgehog, and Bowser was trying to convert the Mushroom Kingdom into a... user Lorenzo was trying to be an awesome bi... ...e with others like Pakistan (Pac-Man) and Bowler ( Bowser ), but the ones she tried to make up on the spot a... could possibly make such a cool looking Bowser figure, complete with movable arms, wrists and he... ...g about. bowser -via Destructoid first glance, it looks a little mean, but the dog can't be all that upset if his tail is wagging that much, can he? Link...