There are blue animals, but the species are small in number comp... ...d brown. Sure, when we look up to the sky, we see blue . When we look at the Earth from space, we see a blue marble. But the few animal species that look blue don't use... this year, Crayola announced it would reti... ...color is the one you see here, inspired by a new blue pigment discovered at Oregon State University. Th... ...that the best names have already been suggested. Bluey McBluefaceBlue IvyCovfefeMystiqueBlue ManchuIndig... ...ue IvyCovfefeMystiqueBlue Manchu... well do you recognize color? Or, to put it ano... ...ther way, how well do you recognize brand colors? Blue is used so much in the internet, that Colin Gourl... ...ructed a quiz that asks you to identify shades of blue that are associated with these internet companies... you handle a little crystal blue persuasion in your cake? Well, if you can enjoy i... Silver Butterfly Shwings Lace-UpAre you looking f... ...sneakers really take flight? Update them with the Blue Silver Butterfly Shwings from the NeatoShop. This... featured pet today is Blue , who lives with Neatoramanauts Nathan and Karen M... looks like a rack of homemade candles, but the image above is actually of honey produced by bees in France. The weird coloration started showing up in August, and beekeepers were stumped. A bit of detective work revea... town of Júzcar in the Spanish province of... whitewashed homes and public buildings painted blue ? The local government would receive a nice cash p... ...t, and the buildings would be painted twice -once blue , and then restored to their original white. It wa... ...ourists liked it so much that Jú... Marble Caverns, as the name translates to... ...and Chile. The lake has thrown gravel against the blue marble cliffs for millions of years, gradually ca... City of Jodhpur, India. Why are there so many blue houses? Kuriositas explains:It is thought that Br... ...class – first took to coloring their houses blue (yet perhaps it should really be called indigo) t... ...color of water? It is likely that the ubiquitous *st...