Sunny The Super Happy BlobfishBring a little sunshine and happiness into your life wi... ...ess into your life with the Sunny The Super Happy Blobfish from the Neatoshop. He may look grumpy, but we al... ...mpy, but we all know that looks can be deceiving. Blobfish are found d... Blobfish Cafe sounds like a seafood restaurant, but this i... cafes or the temporary Owl bar in London. The Blobfish Cafe is an opportunity for you to get up close an... ...he world’s ugliest animal! According to the Blobfish Cafe’s website, the pop-up h... votes are in. With a face only a mother could... ...a mother could love (and only then if you were a blobfish mother), the blobfish has been elected by the Ugly Animal Preservation... the ocean, although you're not likely to see a blobfish since they live in very de... K. Parkinson/Australian MuseumBack in 2006,... ...see from the accompanying photograph, the cunning blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is the most terrifying fi... ...uot;Oh, shut up, you old fish face." But the blobfish actually has a face. Not a fish face, but a human... ...ce, complete with lips...