Ellie, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy, is almost completely blind. Her owner is trying to find the money necessary for eye surgery. In the meantime, Leo, a German Shepherd, has taken up the role of seeing eye do...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/06/15/blind-dog-has-seeing-eye-dog/(YouTube Link) NASA worked with Braille experts to create a tactile representation of the Carina Nebula: The 17-by-11-inch color image is embossed with lines, slashes, and other markings that correspond to objects...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/03/31/a-tactile-representation-for-nebula-for-the-visually-impaired/The South Korean company Primpo has developed an improved cane for the visually impaired. It vibrates with increasing intensity as its sensor approaches an object. It can also detect colors: Unlike conventional whit...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/03/23/vibrating-white-cane-tells-visually-impaired-users-whats-around-them/(Video Link) Jordan Verner of Ontario had a dream: he wanted to complete Orcarina of Time, a video game in the Legend of Zelda franchise. But he is blind, which makes playing a video game, let alone completing it, ve...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/03/03/three-men-create-100000-keystroke-script-so-that-blind-gamer-can-complete-a-video-game/A fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine explains that knowlege about and usage of Braille by visually impaired people is declining as they shift to electronic means of acquiring information. The trend is...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/02/26/the-death-of-braille-appropriate-or-ominous/Normally, babies learn how to look at the world be... ...the world for the first time after treatment for blindness . MIT neuroscientists asked patients who had rece...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/09/18/how-the-brain-learns-to-see/Still in the concept stage, the Touch Color is a device that would allow visually impaired people to create two-dimensional art: This innovative device comprises a Rainbow Picker in a form of a scroll wheel, which con...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/08/12/a-device-to-help-blind-people-draw/If you're visually impaired, it can be hard to fill a mug (or any other vessel) without spilling over the edge. The Braun Bell Mug beeps at each of three different levels, so the user can know how much liquid s/he's...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/08/09/a-mug-for-the-blind-that-chimes-when-its-full/Researchers at the University of Bristol have developed a helmet that helps visually impaired people make use of echolocation to find their way around: The system takes real-time imagery of local obstacles, be they st...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/08/08/navigation-helmet-creates-sound-maps-for-the-blind/Engineering students at Virginia Tech have built a car that can be driven by the visually impaired. The vehicle is equipped with laser range finders and a semi-autonomous computer that helps direct drivers around a cour...