This is goalball, a sport designed for people who can't see. It was invented in 1946 to help blinded war veterans. But even people who aren't visually impaired can play because everyone wears goggles that completely bloc... Muffin’s Halo for Blind Dogs)Two years ago, Muffin Bordeaux, a toy poodle, went blind. He stumbled around, bumping into hard objects and hurting himself. He was depressed and increasingly immobile. So his o... West Briton)The Dolphin Inn, a pub in Grampound, Cornwall, UK, has a new darts team. The players, who call themselves the Optimists, are all blind. Pictured above is team member Richard Pryor and pub owner Joe Fr... Kriyate Design Solutions)Kriyate Design Solutions, a start-up company in India, has developed a phone specifically for people with visual impairments. The phone has metal pins built into the body that raise and l... Blind Legend isn't a video game that has been modified to make it accessible to people with visual impairments. It's designed from the outset to be used with only audio information. The player character is a blind hero... FaceMePLS)What do dogs think about? I look at my own dog and wonder that. I'm especially curious what he dreams about, which he does, loudly and often. What is inside a dog's mind?This is an especially important...[] (YouTube link)Tommy Edison has been blind all his life, so he has no concept of color. Color is a measure of parameters he cannot perceive, but the connotations different colors have can be...élio Surdos's friend Carlos is deaf, blind, and a huge soccer fan. As a result of his sensory limitations, he's been largely left out of the excitement of the World Cup in Brazil. One morning, Hélio woke u...[] (YouTube link)Milena Channing had a stroke when she was 29, which left her blind. The damage was in the visual cortex of her brain, not in her eyes. She eventually started seeing raindrops,... CBS)Aaron Golub is legally blind. But that hasn't stopped him from being highly successful on the football field. He convinced Coach Ted Dalicandro of Newtown South High School in Newton, Massachusetts to let him...