Twitter user Ted Merz shares this photo that he snapped from New York City. It shows a conventional delivery bike, which are common in the city. But this one has a printer mounted over the front wheel. The printer is loa... and YouTuber The Q builds many novel and... ...arkably high-performing machines, most often with bicycles . Recently, we featured his bike tires made out of... preparing for post-apocalyptic travel across the barren wastelands of what was once your hometown, you'll need a bike that won't become useless after the first flat tire. YouTuber user The Q has a solution: making... Carlini is an inventor attuned with the needs... ...n, made functional roller skates out of four tiny bicycles . They're skatecycles and they're amazing. In this... this post on Instagram A post shared by C-Bass (@nrml_mtber) Instagram member @nrml_mbter describes himself as an abnormal dude on a bike, but I don't see anything abnormal about him, aside from exceptional clever... I bought my first adult bike two years ago, I gritted my teeth and settled on a Huffy Cranbook. It was good enough, since it had a single gear, coaster brakes, an upright rider position, and the capacity to take car...áté Csipszer made this charming clock from old bike parts. The body is the hub of a wheel and the numbers are shaped pieces of bike chain. The hands are pieces of cut plastic. Does it work? Mát&eacu... Furze is the insane British inventor who makes vehicles that you’ve never heard of, but we all need. For example, he souped up a mobility scooter so that it goes 50 miles an hour. He also added rockets to a b... Retezár, an industrial designer in Austria, designed this clever gadget called Fontus. When it's humid, the system draws water out of the air and pours it into a water bottle. It mounts on a bike frame, so... LurkerMcLurkerton says that his daughter's first grade classroom has desks that have bicycle pedals. I love this idea! It would be a great way to help kids who are a bit too energetic to calm down.Other redditor...