Neatorama Posts Tagged "beetle"
This Beetle Pretends to be an Ant's Butt

A newly-discovered species of beetle manages to benefit from army ants by riding aroun...  ...ound on them. Nymphister kronaueri is a small red beetle that clamps its jaws around the waist of the army...  ..."A prosthetic posterior. A gluteus extraneous. A beetlebum ." Christoph...
Beetle Named After Chewbacca

A group of scientists have described four new spec...  ...entists have described four new species of weevil beetles found in Papua New Guinea. One of them was named... we all know and love from Star Wars. The other beetles have names that don’t relate to any pop cul...
Making an Electric Vintage VW Beetle

What is the most hipster vehicle you could possibl...  ...rnia company Zelectric Motors is refurbishing old Beetles , Microbuses, and other Volkswagens to run on all-...  ...vehicles a year. Prices range from $68,000 for a Beetle sedan to $88,000 for a convertible, and include t...
Beetles on Exhibit

This display was spotted at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History. The same thing can be seen at a few other museums around the world if you look closely enough. Museum curators are a wacky bunch, according to one comm...
Only One Animal Can Subsist Solely on Coffee Beans...

(Photo: L. Shyamal)But I can offer this little bug...  ...claiming the title as well.The coffee berry borer beetle eats coffee beans. It doesn't have a lot of compe...  ...hat researchers found that the coffee berry borer beetle 's unique digestive tract can detoxify caffeine:Ja...  ...s guts that can detoxify c...
Night of the Deadly Lights...

Photo: Ary Bassous/Wildlife Photographer o...  ...Park, central Brazil, that is inhabited by click beetle larvae. The beetles shine their bioluminescent glow in order to attra...  ...eruvian Amazon To catch the bioluminescent beetle , Bassous spent the night at the wildl...
The World's Tiniest Rodeo...

Based in Indonesia, photographer Hendy Mp speciali...  ...riding on the back of a giant horned wood-boring beetle , as if it was a tiny horse in a rodeo. The frog i...  ..., Indonesia. See additional photos of frog riding beetle here. See more of Hendy Mp's impressive wildlife...

Trying to impress the other guys with your hard work and creativity? How’s that working out for you? This scenario is brought to you by John McNamee at Pie Comic. Bonus: In case you didn't like how the story turned...
Live Insect as a Fashion Accessory...

A large beetles called the Makech (Zopherus chilensis) is sometim...  ...arts was called in, and turned the warrior into a beetle . The horrified princess scooped up her beloved an...
Natural Curiosities Apron...

Natural Curiosities Apron - $24.95 (sold individua...  ...These striking aprons feature owl, butterfly, and beetle

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