beer made from barley which spent time on the Internat... ...will receive orders for the Sapporo Space Barley beer via the Internet until Dec. 24, making 250 six-pa... Urbanist has a great post of case mods on... ...recent post. The most awesome is disputably this beer dispenser mod. Even non- beer drinkers (like myself) can still appreciate the g... brewery BrewDog has released its newest beer , named Tactical Nuclear Penguin. At 32% alcohol... ...t 32% alcohol content, it's the world's strongest beer : A warning on the label states: "This is an ex... ...on the label states: "This is an extremely strong beer... Bensen of the Smithsonian blog Food & Think... ...d a program at that institution on the history of beer . Her post summarizes the long history of the bev... ...soggy bread to modern microbrewing. But while beer ’s popularity waned in the Middle East, it was g... epiphany) by at least... market research firm Mindset Media studied the... ...ia studied the cultural and economic behaviors of beer drinkers and discerned certain trends among buyer... ...scerned certain trends among buyers of particular beers . Among the brands studied are Budweiser, Bud Lig... ...dreamers and don't easily get... - $19.95Is that an elegant wine glass or... ...- $19.95Is that an elegant wine glass or a manly beer stein? Actually, it's both! Behold the Winestein,...'s both! Behold the Winestein, a double-walled beer mug with an internal cavity shaped just like an e... ...p:// are hard and even restaurants are penny pinc... ...mained a bestseller." 7. Topping Pitchers of Beer with Seltzer WaterDon't think the fiddling is res... ...ither. "In sports bars that sell pitchers of beers , the thing to do is to top the pitchers off with... noticed that drunk people who cause accidents that kill others escape harm? Well, the secret of their luck may actually be the alcohol itself. Dr. Ali Salim and colleagues from the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los... lederhosen can cost up to €700 a pai... ...rhosen can cost up to €700 a pair, and one good beer spill can ruin them. So what are you going to wea... Munich. "You wouldn't even need to wash the beer off, it's a fabric that dries immediately," he to... studies have tried to link health benefits to... density is a problem in women as they age, but beer has come to the rescue! The study included sur... life and found that those who regularly drank beer had higher bone density. Fraternities across... the country will surely try to...