Neatorama Posts Tagged "bears"
Man Shoos Away Bear from Party...

A man with more guts than sense gets a bear to leave the party.— Catch Up (@CatchUpFeed) September 8, 2023 Some people on the internet are saying that this mysterious gentleman has more...
National Park Service Urges You to Not Knock Down Friends When Charged by a Bear...

The old joke goes that, if you're walking with a friend or family member in the woods and are attacked by a bear, you don't have to outrun the bear.You just have to outrun your friend.So knock him over or smash his knee,...
Cat Chases Off Bear...

Tigger of North Vancouver is a Bengal, which is a beautiful but not necessarily ferocious cat breed. Nonetheless, Tigger is known in his neighborhood for courage and aggressiveness. He’ll chase away dogs who give h...
Watching Bears Scratch Themselves is Entirely Too Amusing

(Video Link)Everyone occassionally gets that one i...  ...nally gets that one itch they can't scratch -even bears . While it's annoying to deal with your own unreac...  ...unreachable itch, it's quite delightful to watch bears reach for those scratches. Via Digg
Fearless French Bulldog Braves Bears, Makes Them Run for the Hills

[]YouTube LinkWhen two...  ...//]YouTube LinkWhen two young bears enter the gated area leading to this French bulld...  ...ithout hesitation, the Frenchie descends upon the bears like the proverbial Bat Out of Hell. The dog does...  ...doesn't let up with the scare...
This Penguin Cover Can Make Swiffer Sweeping A Little More Fun...

Everyone who works in the office will tell you I'm pretty much the worst about cleaning up after myself. On the other hand, I am hardcore obsessed with anything adorable, so if we invested in this precious penguin Swiffe...
Baby Bears Rescued from Hollow Tree

For 2 days, a woman in Polk County, Wisconsin hear...  ...s cut windows into the tree trunk, which gave the bears enough room to escape.[](Video Link)The bears were dehydrated, so the rescuers fed them waterme...  ...d, so the rescuers fed them w...
Mailman Declines to Deliver Mail to House with a Bear...

(Unrelated photo by Shimelle Lane)Meanwhile, in British Columbia, Twitter user @IamFane was waiting for the Canada Post to deliver a package to him. When he returned home after an excursion, he found this notice at his m...
Baby Bear Tries to Climb the Flagstick on a Golf Course...

[](Vide...  ...ritish Columbia is in bear country. Recently four bears hung out at a putting green. A cub among them pla...  ...rously close these onlookers were. Those are wild bears ! What were you thinking?-via Twisted Sifter
Mama Bears and Their Cubs

Image: Marina CanoThere's a good reason why mot...  ...thing hurting their children. The fact is, mother bears of all species sacrifice for and strive to teach...  ...often harsh conditions.See more pictures of mama bears and their cubs here. Image: Sergei Gladyshev...

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