Like it or not the summer season is upon us, and t... ...utdoor enthusiast's favorite time of year Toto- Beach by Theduc A time when the sun is out and the sur... ...summer means taking a break from school Mogwai Beach by Matt Sinor Hitting the beach to build sandcast... Fotoweb)It’s so picturesque that I w... ...nging a narrow strip of the sea to a lovely sandy beach . The town is hidden inside this rift, which is wh... ...wn that doesn’t exist.” There, at the beach , you can rest in the shade provided by the mounta... River holding a LEGO octopus... ...pus that she and her father Robin found at Castle Beach , Cornwall, England. In 1997, a huge rogue... ...ose pieces of LEGO toys started washing up on the beaches of Cornwall - and today, eighteen years later, th... ...ieces have become a hobby for Brit... US Navy)Life on a ship of the United Stat... ...crew takes a day off to enjoy the pleasures of a beach --one made of steel.When a naval vessel throws a p... a picnic and swimming party, it's called Steel Beach . Tyler Rogoway of Jalopnik has a lengthy post, wi... ...s. You can read more about B... are plenty of beach shacks out there, but the Window House is pretty... images: Bernhard Lang Now that's... ...rd Lang Now that's an incredibly organized beach ! German photographer Bernhard Lang took a... ...set of aerial photographs of the highly organized beach off the coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy, betwe... Sand. Library. Now those are... ...'t. Herman Kompernas built a library on the sandy beach of the Bulgarian Black Sea resort of Albena and s... ...ibrary Check out the images of the Albena Beach Library over at house looks like it's floating over the beach , but it's not. It's actually on a high cliff abov... 700 square foot house might just be the most... ...quare foot house might just be the most beautiful beach shack ever created. Its open floor plan and slidi... over at Homes and Hues: A Simply Gorgeous Tiny Beach Shack[] (YouTube link)He led her out to a rock on the shore, sang her a song, pulled out a ring box, and got down on one knee. A classic romantic proposal, and she was completely swept away by it. T...