Yes, it is a cool and clever bathroom design, but poor Leela really shouldn't have to watch that every day. Link Via The Daily What... representatives and government inspectors are looking into complaints that managers at a Norwegian call center forbid employees from spending more than eight minutes a day on, uh, personal business: Managers are... an extra bicycle? Turn it into a sink stand! That's what artist Benjamin Bullins did. His whole house is filled with old gear recycled for new uses. Link -via Craft... of Warcraft player Ragnaorc modified the bathroom in his home to reflect a Horde ambiance. It's quite detailed, including lighting fixtures with bones and a toilet plunger holder shaped a skull. Link via D... Mechanics has a slideshow of 18 oddities in bathroom design. Pictured above is a floating bathroom that the US National Park Service installed in Lake Powell (UT/AZ) to persuade people there not to simply reliev...