(Photo: Winni Wintermeyer/The Guardian)Phil Broughton got sick of his job in Silicon Valley and decided to get away--as far away as possible. That led him to job managing liquid nitrogen and helium supplies at the Amunds...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/11/A-Bartender-at-Work-in-Antarctica/(Photo: Brittany Sowacke/RedEye)Chicago bar server Levi Kane lost a leg in a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. His modified his prosthetic replacement to make his work a bit easier and more fun:It’s an idea that was...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/08/02/Bar-Server-Uses-His-Prosthetic-Leg-as-a-Bottle-Opener/(Video Link) "Layering" is a when a bartender mixes drinks (or components thereof) on top of each other in a container without mixing them. Here's a video of one skilled bartender layering and pouring nine cocktail...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/09/23/nine-cocktails-from-one-shaker/Attach this spout to a bottle of liquor. As yo... ...pours through it, adding a cool visual effect to bartending