Neatorama Posts Tagged "bananas"
I Hate It When.......

When I saw this at reddit, of course I entered the search term to see if it would autocomplete the same way for me, which it did, and the first search result is a Facebook page. Apparently, the phrase has been around...
So, You Summoned Me?...

This drawing by Aaron McConnell amused me, even though I didn't understand the meaning. Then I learned that it is a reference to a 1988 album cover by Leonard Cohen. How do the two connect? McConnell explains at the...
How to Ripen Bananas

Grocery stores always manage to have a table f...  ...cery stores always manage to have a table full of bananas just the perfect shade of yellow to attract custo...
Banana Fan...

(Video Link) The banana fan has been around since 2002. This video was uploaded in 2007. Yet somehow these things are still not in mass production. How can that be? -via That's Nerdalicious!...
5 Idiotic Marketing Disasters...

We've all heard a marketing campaign at some p... customers could get a new stereo for only "299 bananas ." When customers started actually showing up with...  ...omers started actually showing up with bundles of bananas , the store had no choice but to give them stereos...  ...e saddest part? Silo couldn...
Artist Uses Bananas as Canvas

Photo by Jun Gil Park I've posted about communicating via banana peel before, but Jun Gil Park takes it to a whole new level. Taking advantage of the banana peel's natural tendency to brown when pressure is applied, t...
Weasels That Understand The Future...

Up until now, only a few species of primates and b...  ...el has been observed gathering up unripe plantain bananas and hiding them away for later enjoyment when the...  ...or later, the tayra is special in that it selects bananas
A Peelable Banana Popsicle...

Apparently this popsicle that looks like a banana actually tastes like grape and vanilla. Any of you live in Hong Kong and want to send me one? Link Via GeekOsystem...
Did You Read the Article?...

Ars technica published a post about a hot button i...  ...story." If you have read this far, please mention Bananas in your comment below. We're pretty sure 90% of t...  ...on the third page of comments, someone mentioned bananas . Redditor metageeek took a screenshot of the comm...  ...sillier after that, with...
We're Bananas about Bananas!

1. In recorded history, bananas date back to around 600 B.C.E., when they were me... the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition!2. Bananas came to the Americas in the 15th century but were...  ...3. On average, American consumer eat 30 pounds of bananas a year.4. B...
NeatoShop Products Tagged "bananas"
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