Redditor Frostbite795 was at a Bar Mitzvah when he asked the balloon animal guy to make him a cthulhu. This is what he came up with -pretty amazing if you ask me.Link Via BoingBoing... user onemeeeliondollars spent only abo... ...square foot kite. He placed LEDs in helium-filled balloons and attached them to a lightweight frame. When he... first thought was that the balloons are fake and the desk is attached a strut that is... ...g. But no: those are real, helium/hydrogen-filled balloons . This reception desk at the Dublin-based ad agenc... ...n-based ad agency Boys and Girls is held aloft by balloons tha..."They're made out of meat." Well, plastic,... The design studio Object Design League made balloons that, when inflated, look like sausages and beef...! Burn the witch! YouTube user WorldScott does unnatural things with lasers. Watch the damning video at the link. Video Link -via Geekologie... Link) Chefs at Chicago's Alinea Restau... ...inea Restaurant devised a way to shape sugar into balloons , and then inflated the balloons with helium. How do you eat a sugar balloon? It's... balloon artist named Kristy made a nearly full-size (at least on the outside) TARDIS. It materialized in an ideal location, don't you think? Link -via The Mary Sue... wedding dress made of balloons just seems like a disaster waiting to happen, but... ...- Yahoo! has a whole gallery of finery made from balloons . Link cooked peanut butter and chocolate c... ...le chocolate bowls. To make the bowls, she dipped balloons in chocolate and refrigerated them. Once they sol... ...d them. Once they solidified, she just popped the balloons and removed the rubber. Link -via Craft link) What can you possibly give a two-year-old dog to make him the happiest puppy in the world? Bunk will never forget this one! -via Buzzfeed...