Bri Dow is going to have a baby . She enlisted the help of photographer Samantha B... and Nia are obviously from the internet generation, where everything is recorded and everything is shared. He doesn't have to hide the camera, because she's used to it. The following video contains some intimate deta... in December, we posted a Lunarbaboon comic that promised a new character coming in June. Now it’s June and Chris just posted a new comic featuring a new character -his daughter! But it’s mainly about the... wasn’t sure if this was a foreshadowing or... ...went to his Facebook page and it appears to be an announcement[] (YouTube link)You al... ...amily, this is quite the clever way to announce a baby on the way! -via Geeks Are Sexy[] (YouTube link)Tom Fl... ...his wedding speech song medley, but the pregnancy announcement was cute, too. When their first child came along,...[] (YouTube link)Engage... ...ers. And when you find out you're going to have a baby , that calls for even more imagination. And a vide...