A man who shall be known as a hero to Star Wars fans for generations to come built a three-level bunk bed resembling -- in great detail -- an AT-AT. The genius writes: I've always been a big Star Wars fan and was loo...
https://www.neatorama.com/neatogeek/2010/05/13/3-level-at-at-bunk-bed/Here's a combination of memes I don't think we've seen before: Star Wars and bacon. The Bacon AT-AT was actually what I wanted to build before, but didn't have enough time, so it seemed like the natural choice. The Baco...
https://www.neatorama.com/2010/04/14/bacon-at-at/(YouTube link) I thought I was going overboard by painting my kids' furniture weird colors. This guy built a Star Wars AT-AT Imperial Walker for his son to sleep in! The interior is accessible by ladder and by the 'es...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/07/24/at-at-bed/Photo: Da Clapper [Flickr]We've seen a number of very cool Star Wars cakes, but this one definitely takes the cake. Behold the AT-AT Cake by Jennifer Luxmore of Sin Desserts. Great White Snark has more: Link...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/05/21/star-wars-at-at-cake/We don't know much about Mexican artist Chiara Bautista ("Milk" on MySpace) - but we sure know this: from Lucha Libre to science fiction, her artwork is fantastic!You can view her latest illustrations here: Lin...
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/05/07/girl-walking-at-at-by-chiara-bautista/Photo: NickIsConfused [Flickr]Photographer Nick Drummond has a neat Flickr photoset of ATilla, his "pet" AT-AT. The best thing about having your very own Star Wars All Terrain Armored Transport Walker? It's eas...