If you discovered a new species of prehistoric arthropod fossil with scissor-like appendages, what you you...
https://www.neatorama.com/2013/05/19/Cambrian-Fossil-With-Scissor-Like-Claws-Is-Named-For-Johnny-Depp/There are around 10,000 species of millipedes, but the one with the most legs of all is Illacme plenipes. It was thought to be extinct, but 17 living specimens were discovered in the past seven years ago in San Benito Co...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/11/16/Meet-the-750-leg-Millipede/Photo: Xiaoya Ma My, what large f... ...red a 520-million-year-old brain ever found in an arthropod (a group of invertebrates that includes... ...ing from simple branchiopods, today's arthropods descend from a complex-brained ancest...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/10/11/Oldest-Arthropod-Brain-is-Surprisingly-Complex/The images to your left, dear Neatoraman... ...photomicrographs of the world's oldest arthropods (invertebrate animals that include insects,... ...preserved in amber: Even though arthropods are more than 400 million years old, until now,... ...0 million years....