Neatorama Posts Tagged "architecture"
Phugtal Gompa...

The Buddhist monastery known as Phugtal Gompa was built around a cave system on the sheer cliff of a Himalayan mountain in northern India. The monastery was founded around 1100 CE, although the structure itself took an a...
Horseshoe-Shaped Hotel...

The new Sheraton Hushou Hot Spring Resort in China looks especially lovely when it's lit up at night. MAD Architects designed it to look like a horseshoe. How long do you think it will be until a daredevil pilot tries to...
X House...

Don't let Magneto find out! This has got to be the new hidout of Professor X. Behold, a two-story X House by architect firm Cadaval & Sola-Morales, perched in the hills of Barcelona, Spa...
The Pregnant House...

How, you ask? Well, sometimes, when a Mommy House...  ...e ‘intimacy’ I hope to create between architecture
Defrosting a Frozen Building...

Bike manufacturer SRAM bought a unique storage building in Chicago. It was formerly a ten-story freezer for Chicago’s Fulton Market District. All that freezer space had to be defrosted before it could be used for a...
Alaska’s Abandoned Igloo City Hotel...

Back in the 1970s, someone got the great idea to build a four-story igloo as a hotel about 20 miles from Cantwell, Alaska, on the highway between Fairbanks and Anchorage. It was never finished, due to problems with build...
A Tree House Hamlet...

This looks like something right out of a fantasy book. Somewhere in Vermont, a couple of kids had not just one tree house to share, but three separate houses of their own that they could go to and from with a ladder and...
The House with Underground Caverns...

This is Domus Civita, a home in Italy built in the 14th century and purchased by new owners in 2011. Studio F remodeled the house, which consists of three floors above ground, but that's not all.However the most interest...
Looping Bridge...

This bridge that might have been designed by stuntman Evel Knievel lies in Sarajevo, Bosnia. It's called the Festina Lente Bridge--a name that means "make haste slowly." Amila Hrustic designed it for pedestrian use, so p...
Abandoned Ohio Poorhouse...

The public poorhouses that you read about in Dickens novels are gone, having been replaced with welfare hotels, housing projects, and homeless shelters. The Knox County Poorhouse in Ohio was once such an institution.Cons...

NeatoShop Products Tagged "architecture"
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