Mustaches and beards were common among men in the first decade of the 20th century, but military regulations had them shaved clean -because it made a gas mask fit better, and chemical warfare was a real danger to those t...
The Danger of World War I Shaving Brushes...
Halloween Mini Microbe Box...
Halloween Mini Microbe Box - $24.95 Forget gh... ...fabulously costumed mini microbe plush toys: Anthrax in a witch's hat Flesh eating disease in vampir...
Khroma, the Baby Woolly Mammoth...
Photo: Henri Vuillet / Puy en Velay townhallAfter... ...scientists are pretty sure that it's free of the anthrax bacteria that killed it: The mammoth was delayed..., Gennady Onishchenko, said the mammoth died of anthrax , according to Russian news reports. Russian scien... ...any potentially lethal bact...
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