Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder (sold individually)This Valen... ...tine's Day give someone your whole heart with the Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder from the NeatoShop. The heart... ...or holding pencils, paint brushes, or flowers.The Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder is sweet, pr... Deborah Simon has such a deep seated reve... ...oking in both pose and facial expression, and the anatomical sections inject a sort of teddy bear feel into th... Anatomical Heart Pencil Holder - $19.95 (sold individually)A... Link C'mon... you know you've wondered. A... ...r Corrêa answers that question in his series of anatomical drawings of mythological creatures. Also featured... Husband Chopping Board - $15.95 Do you know... ...op! I don't know why this cutting board, with an anatomical design of a man, is named The Husband Chopping Bo... me these solid chocolate skulls are an example of both confectionary making and art. They are cast from REAL human skulls and come in a choice of chocolate including Fair Trade 80 per cent cocoa. There is also their b... in time for Valentine's Day - surprise your... ...Valentine's Day - surprise your loved one with an anatomical heart they can cuddle up with! Well, you don't h...