Jesse Cottle and his wife Kelly were on a family photo shoot when photographer Sarah Ledford suggested the couple take a picture in the water. That's when Jesse - a former Marine who lost his both of legs in Afghanistan... it: you're jealous that you didn't think of it first. A man in southern Austria had an ingenious plan to avoid qualifying for work: Hours before an appointment on Monday for the labor office to check on his heal... clever tattoo by Valio Ska makes good use... ...This clever tattoo by Valio Ska makes good use of amputation Smith of Fostoria, Ohio, was ten years old when he was diagnosed with bone cancer. After chemotherapy, his leg was removed, but part of it was reattached -backward! Known as a rotationplasty, his surgery involved... Li was on her way to school when a tractor ran over her and severed her left hand. Doctors in China thought the hand could be saved, but the arm was too damaged for reattachment. So they grafted the hand to Ming's l... a site south of Paris, France, archaeologists C... ...o be evidence of a successful and intentional arm amputation : The man, who lived in the Linearbandkeramik p... old Kyle and 8-year old Bryce Billingslea found a kitten along a country road in Michigan. The kitten was missing his front paws! The 10-week old cat's injuries were rotting and full of maggots, but he still mana... chewed off his front left and rear left paws to escape an illegal trap he encountered in Alaska. He then lived for weeks hiding under a camper shell. The Shepherd-Rottweiler-Lab mix was taken in by Alaskan Dog and... kitten was found injured in Akita, Japan and his back legs and tail were amputated. Employees at a book store nursed him back to health and found a home for him. The kitten has learned to balance and walk on his two fr...