Making the world a better place can be tough. But as these tenaciously altruistic moves prove, sometimes all you need is a great idea.(Image credit: Acción Visual/Diana Arias)1. THE WORLD’S MOST HUGGABLE L... has shown us that people who are generous and altruistic are happier and healthier than people who aren’t, no matter what economic class they belong to. But it’s not as easy to be kind to strangers as...[] (YouTube link)You’ve heard the phrase “Nice guys finish last” all your life. It turns out the phrase was coined by someone who was looking for an excuse to be not-so-nice.... tend to be more generous when they have women in their families. It goes beyond a wife making decisions about giving: Danish CEOs are likely to pay their employees less money after they have a baby boy, but not after... process of leading children from birth to adul... ...nfants, and even on that oxymoron called "toddler altruism ," that you'll see in a fascinating article at Smi... at the University of Bonn have found that people with a certain gene are more likely to be altruistic. The researchers took a genetic sample from study participants, and then asked them to participate in a q... Sandridge lost his job last year and took up a new hobby. He gives away $10 every day to someone who looks as if they could use it, a different person every day. And Sandridge expects nothing in return but a good fe...