Inspired by an article entitled Why Don't People R... ...schizza of Boing Boing created this shopping cart alignment chart . I'm glad each picture is captioned, because they... the Bum posted this chart that explains the five stages of grief, illustrat... ...cts named for butter. The ch00f responded with an alignment chart explaining the different brands of not-butter.It... to this bread bag alignment chart by Aurelian Rabbit, I am a lawful neutral (my bre... Noah Stacey)The Storm Crow Tavern is a res... ...d 9 burgers with different Dungeons & Dragons alignments .You'll need it. You see, if you don't have a spec... handy chart shows you where your favorite professional wrestl... ...stlers would fit in, if they had to adhere to the alignments set forth by Dungeons & Dragons decades ago....