In September 2012, passers-by ran across a badly mangled body of a man on the streets of London. There were no identity papers on him and no one reported him missing. But that's not the only mysterious thing about him: t... climate change all you want, but ju... used to a bumpy ride. A really bumpy airplane ride, that is: For their analysi... town of Contamana, Peru, has a hospital, but it has no emergency equipment. It also has an airstrip, but it doesn't operate a night because there are no lights. But Wednesday night, a woman and her newborn baby neede... presents a guest post from actor, comedi... ...a successful manned flight, when they flew their airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in December of 190... parachute, an innovation that has saved so many lives, was not invented by an aerospace engineer. Rather, the modern backpack parachute was patented by a Russian actor in 1911. Gleb Kotelnikov felt compelled to do so... one, apparently. When pilot for Dutch airline Transavia returned from the bathroom, he realized that he was locked out of the Boeing 737 cockpit, with the first officer inside asleep!... Randall Munroe's What If? blog, where he resear... ...aders, he tells us what would happen to a typical airplane if it were flown on other planets and the larger... Andy Ellwood What to do when an airline passenger got drunk and become disorderly? New York businessman Andy Ellwood posted this photo of a man who had a wee bit too much to dr...[] (vimeo link)Flavorwire brings us another scary supercut, this one featuring the scariest flights in film. A list of the films can be found at the site. Link -via Irene's Internet... following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... ...e at the end of World War I).SMALL WORLDFDR hated airplanes , but German submarines were patrolling the Atlant... ...had an official plane, and today the president's airplane is considered an extension of the White House.THE... ...peaking, although ther...