The following article is from Uncle John’s Factastic Bathroom Reader.If you had to list the tools an archaeologist uses, you’d probably include a pick, a shovel, and maybe a trowel, a brush, or even a dental... see expensive aircraft in movies all the time, but it’s not always... ...r in subsequent films. Read about these full-size aircraft replicas at Urban Ghosts. via 1000 Aircraft Photos)Máté Petrány of Jalop... ...viation Agency added it to its list of authorized aircraft .On June 9, 1964, Reid successfully drove it at 4... 1987, Soviet Air Force Tu-95 escorted by US Navy F-14A)In 1952, the Soviet Union flew its first Tu-95 "Bear"strategic bomber. This turboprop plane was designed to fly great distances (up to 10,000 miles) to drop... a different Cessna 172 via Huhu Uet)John Wildey, 77, and his friend, a pilot, were on an excursion in a Cessna 172 out of Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, UK. The pilot collapsed in the middle of the flight. Wilde... Chicago Tribune)John Pedersen's single engine plane suffered damage while he flew it this morning. He couldn't make it the O'Hare or Midway Airports. So he landed in downtown Chicago on Lake Shore Drive. Pedersen... happens when a top-secret government proj... ...end up on eBay. Anyone interested in top secret aircraft will know of the A-12 Avenger II, which was cance... ...oing litigation to this day. The stealth attack aircraft , developed by General Dynamics and McDonnell Doug... of abandoned places and urban exploration... ...exploration are in for a treat, with a look at an aircraft graveyard at Vozdvizhenka air base in the Primors... no security to stop urban explorers, just the aircraft sitting unused, with grass growing under them and... printing is such a new process that we are... ...from the UK have used the 3d printer to create an aircraft capable of flight. Made up of printed plates whic... aircraft Image via University of Southampton Terrafugia Transition has received exempti... and exemptions needed to ensure these roadable aircraft are ready for delivery by the end of 2012. htt... ...m/technology/article/2011-07/terrafugias-roadable- aircraft -receives-regulatory-clearance-again-time-road