Frank N. Meyer had a passion for plants, and a passion for walking, which took him on treks across entire nations. He found his niche when the USDA's Office of Seed and Plant Introduction sent him to China to find plants... U.S. exports more food than any other country... ...e Dutch made a national commitment to sustainable agriculture under the rallying cry “Twice as much food... we have an alternative history in which manki... ...which mankind decided that the idea of turning to agriculture was no fun at all. Imagine what kind of civilizat... the androcentric box, it makes more sense that agriculture was invented by women, especially women who were... rights is a complicated subject in places where water is not plentiful. Does anyone have the right to unlimited water? Cities have more people to serve, but farms grow crops for many people to consume. In Colorado,... International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) conducted a vast study of global agriculture and how foods that originated in one region ended... ...up sustaining different regions, both by exported agriculture and by exported food. Part of that study is a map... Nemo's Garden)To grow, plants need stable... ...s can't reach the plants.This sustainable form of agriculture can make previously unused coastal areas agricult... had the opportunity a couple of years ago to visit the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota. It’s an amazing sight, unabashedly tacky, but most of all, it was a glimpse into the past. Why would anyone cover an e... average temperature in Bethel, in western Alaska, is below freezing, although summers see temperatures in the 50s for short time. Yet the town's sole farmer, Tim Meyers, grows root vegetables, greens, and even strawb... cows are fat and happy in this 1962 Soviet agriculture poster. The text says, "The Gas Station to Abunda... Angeles Times writer Hector Becerra picking strawberries. Photo: Al Seib That clamshell of filled with sweet, ripe strawberries you just picked up at your local supermarket? That was picked...