Comedy duo Tim and Eric are known for their bizarre characters, public access television inspired sketches and a generally strange sense of humor, and now they can add Totino’s Pizza Rolls spokesmen to their eclect... that McDonalds has introduced us to their newe... to their newest appetite suppressant marketing campaign mascot Happy the anthropomorphic Happy Meal the i... Link)Dark Noir is an incredibly... ...n our minds.It was created for Absolut Vodka's ad campaign Next Frame, and even though it carries a warning...'s more about this decidedly artistic ad campaign :Entitled Next Frame, the collaboration will invit... is one of the leading retailers of camping and... ...survival gear in North America, and their latest advertising campaign claims that they're also the place to go if you w... this advertising campaign under OMG ADORBS-kids dressed up like iconic movi... spooky figures, holding a note with thei... ...faces obscured, are part of a strange street art advertising campaign by Red Agency for Goodwill stores, to illustrate... ...n bash dressed as a dumpster. Still, as far as advertising campaigns are concerned, this is a rather creative and surr... ...conc... know the idea of going to art school is a co... ...y societal problem is downright creative! This advertising campaign for the aptly named College for Creative Studies...