One of my Myth students calculated the minimum number of times Odysseus cheated on Penelope: 6,573β Dr. Jeremy Swist π€ποΈπ (@MetalClassicist) November 17, 2022 In Homer's Illiad and Odyssey, Odysseus, Ki...'s a thriving new profession in Brazil. Universa (English translation) interviewed a few women who work as "loyalty testers". Women hire them to hit on their boyfriends or husbands and see if the men reject the adva... EPA/Diego Lopez)The Spanish bed manufacturer Durmet explains that "If your partner isnβt faithful, then at least your mattress will be."The Smarttress has built-in sensors to detect vigorous rhythmic motion... Sina)Is some floozy getting too friendly w... ...s created a new profession: mistress discourager. Adultery and divorce are on the rise in China, so it's pos...[] (YouTube link)The c... ...lute little kids' minds by asking them to explain adultery . It turns out that they have no clue, but are sma... 1713, essayist and politician Joseph Addison co... was because successful human flight would make adultery easier.I have fully considered the project of the..., if your man has this phone, he may be a cheater. Photo: House of Japan Got a cheatin' heart? Better ditch that iPhone and get yourself the phone of choice by adulterers: the Fujitsu F-S... Greek god Zeus was a busy fellow and a shameless adulterer. It would be hard for him, let alone us, to keep track of his affairs. This chart, made by Viviana Ferro, Ilaria Pagin and Elisa Zamarian, attempts to visual... may not be a virture found in every species, but it is in coyotes. During a study of 236 of them in the Chicago area over six years, researchers found no evidence of a coyote straying from its mate:"I was surpri... adulterer won't be able to just slip off his/her wedding ring before heading out on the prowl. The Cheeky's titanium wedding ring leaves the words "I'm Married" imprinted on the wearer's finger. Link -via Nag...