Shannon Keith and Gary Smith started the Beagle Freedom Project to find new homes for beagles that have been used for research. They named their first rescue dogs Freedom and Bigsby, and videotaped the beagles' first bru... link) Find a cat just right for covering up that hole in your couch! Scratch and dent models available! They've got girl cats, boy cats, and "used-to-be-boy" cats! The Winnipeg Humane Society adapted hard-sel... link) A public service announcement from the Best Friends Animal Society. -via The Daily What... Lorenc never knew his biological mother, and began searching for her at age 33. The Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services provided him with a name six weeks later: Lorenc's mother is 62-year-old... are tons of cat photos around the net, but has recognized that almost all of these feline fatales are happily-owned pets. To bring attention to Adopt-A-Cat Month and to celebrate homeless kitties in n... is the Humane Society’s Adopt-A-Cat Month and what better way to celebrate than to take a look at some of the world’s most famous felines. Actually, there is one much better way to celebrate: if you have... has an entire series of recordings of p... ...e didn't know what prompted his parents to choose adoption to grow their family. That's when the 73-year-o... house cat in Florida named Bobbi had six kittens and then nursed two other kittens for an animal shelter. Her latest assignment: three bobcat kittens!The baby bobcats — two females named Midnight and Rain, plus a... Tommy Larkin went looking for his long-lost b... ...8221; Larkin said, referring to the person at the adoption agency who assisted the search. “I said I d... Hansen of Tennessee claimed that her 7-year-... ...:When the lawyer she found online advised her the adoption could be reversed, Hansen booked the flight and p...