In the movie A Clockwork Orange Alex and the boys drink glasses of Moloko Plus, w... the disabled writer, F. Alexander, who li... ...bled writer, F. Alexander, who lives at HOME in A Clockwork Orange ? In a later scene with him, his musclebound assis... ...ffort on Kubrick's part. Read more facts about A Clockwork Orange at Mental Floss. Image: Warner Bros.'s once controversial 1972 film A Clockwork Orange is filled with more than a bit of the old ultravi... Folio Society has released a new edition of An... ...d a new edition of Anthony Burgess’ novel A Clockwork Orange . The images shown here are illustrations created...'s best friends forever Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. They're wearing their characteristic bowlers. Perhaps they're setting a new fashion. But maybe, as Neatorama commenter spam-me-harder suggests, they're two droo...