Steef de Prouw built an entire zoo out of Lego bricks! It's got all the things you e... ...o bricks! It's got all the things you expect at a zoo , including a duck pond, an enclosure with a missi... ...sing sign that makes you wonder what is in there, zookeepers shoveling... Peter Kertesz is a dentist in London, England.... ...n the powerful jaws of two tigers at the Dartmoor Zoological Park near Plymouth. One of the tigers had to be t... ...ment. Dr Kertesz is one of only a few specialist zoo dentists in the world, a sideline to his day job... ...pecies including whales, pa... Mickadeit, a columnist for the OC Register,... ...ter, is staying in a monkey cage at the Santa Ana Zoo in California. He's been there three days, and is... ...they observed him, Mickadeit in turn observed the zoo visitors. For seven hours, I was entertained and... ...going. "I'm not here three days ev... of the time, the image of a zoo is one of animal protection and education. Howeve... protection and education. However, the Beijing zoo has expanded this 'education' to include the culi... ...n the animal-loving world, and the restaurant and zoo are under fire for t... Gardens on Galveston Island in Texas welcome... ...finished in 2011. See more photos and a video at Zooborns . Link -via Fark link) Watch as Oliver the otter create... ...masterpiece to be auctioned off for the Pretoria Zoo in South Africa. -via Unique Daily link) You might recall Sir David Atten... ...remix). Chook the lyrebird lives at the Adelaide Zoo . After a period of construction at the zoo , Chook was able to recreate the sounds of hammers... don't know what's really going on in this picture, but "turtle wax" was my first reaction. -via Buzzfeed... female hippopotamus named Nikica swam out of her... Nikica swam out of her enclosure at a private zoo in Plavnica, Montenegro when flood waters rose ov... ...fence. The two-ton hippo has stayed close to the zoo , but cannot be rounded up until the flood recedes... ...s said they were not entitled to... may look like a snake attack, but it's ac... ...n ad on a bus inviting everyone to the Copenhagen Zoo . Link -via J-Walk Blog