The New York Zoo and Aquarium has a generator in which you can des...[](YouTube link)The Tam... ...ttp://](YouTube link)The Tama Zoo and the Ueno Zoo (both in Tokyo) perform annual training drills so... Tokyo) perform annual training drills so that zookeepers know what to do when an animal e... Russian site has photographs of a lynx th... ...graphs of a lynx that lives at the St. Petersburg Zoo Smithsonian National Zoological Park has installed a streaming webcam in a cheeta... link) What will a flock of penguins... ...enguin comes around? The Japanese TV show Shimura Zoo finds out. Link -via Everlasting Blort, he's not rude. Jackson the Mandrill has arthri... ...nger that causes him to salute his viewers at the zoo . Mark Rogers, who took the photo of Jackson's &qu... new cougar was born at the Oregon Zoo in Portland on September 19th. The cub and her mo... ...224149.asp -via Fark (Image credit: the Oregon Zoo ) was the perfect place to grow marijuana: a sect... a section of the rhinoceros pen that only one zookeeper had access to. A zookeeper in Austria thought he would never be caught. Sal... ...ght he would never be caught. Salzburg Hellbrunn Zoo director Sabine Grebne... link) This baby monkey clings to a y... for security as it roams about the Fukuchiyama Zoo in Kyoto, Japan. TV reports on the two have cause... ...ive times the usual number of people to visit the zoo ! Baby monkeys are known to cling to their mother... ...also taken a liking to the woman w... Christina Spicuzza [Flickr]Christina Spicuz... ...of Spicuzza Photo A Day went to the San Francisco Zoo last week and snapped this priceless photo of an... it really close to his head. A trainer at the zoo was able to trade the DS for an apple and gave th...