(Photo: US Army)The story goes that on April 12, 1... ...ory goes that on April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was about to launch into space, becoming the firs... ...do so. At the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Gagarin took a bus to the launch pad. When he arrived, he... ...o he peed on one of t...
Why Russian Cosmonauts Pee on a Bus Tire and Other Strange Space Rituals...
First Orbit...
On April 12th, 1961, 50 years ago today, Yuri Gagarin {wiki} became the first human to go into space. T... ...Space Station, we have created a new film of what Gagarin first witnessed fifty years ago. By matching t... ...Space Station, as closely as possible, to that of Gagarin...
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