Botto Bistro is an Italian restaurant in Richmond,... ...chmond, California. If you use the review website Yelp to preview restaurants before eating, then you pr... ...lan is a response to what he sees as blackmail by Yelp :Cerretini claims Yelp called him 20 times a week aski... ! has released their list of the 100 best places t... ...g Island. It’s called Da Poke Shack, and in Yelpers ’ eyes it’s pretty much perfect: an av... can't be sure what to expect when you check into the Lew Sterret Justice Center in Dallas, Texas. I suggest leaving tips to staff throughout your stay, instead of just at the end, to ensure good service.Link -via Mar... out you sneaky Yelpers , the website is now out to get you. Apparently p... ...ut to get you. Apparently people have been using Yelp to make a quick buck. Users will rise to the rank... ...r what have you. Now the website is striking back. Yelp is placing fake Craigsli... Link) I've seen blogs featuring bad Yelp reviews and while plenty of them are funny (unint... ...e a real actor expresses all the emotion the real Yelper, a sandwich shop in the East Village... ...w York City, got an exceptionally harsh review on Yelp . Therein lay an opportunity. Link -via That's... you're a big fan of American Psycho then you mi... ...mean it doesn't mean that it doesn't have its own Yelp page. Judging by the reviews, it’s almost impo... ...playful, but mysterious little dish.” For more Yelp pages for imaginary places and places you shouldn... Groupon. First, it had to res... ...erated. At the same time, they collected Yelp reviews--some 56,000 of them for 2,33... an adverse impact on reputation as measured by Yelp ratings. Their analysis shows that wh...