Neatorama Posts Tagged "Words"
Britons Have 546 Words for Drunkeness

What's a good word for being drunk? According to a...  ...the Sámi of northern Scandinavia have many words for snow and we Texans have many words for tortillas, the people of Albion can experienc...  ...states. British English has at least 546 of these words .Depending u...
What Word Does Your State Misspell the Most?...

Everyone has that one or two words they just always spell wrong. Thanks to Google, w...
A New Addition to the OED: Sonic Screwdriver...

Doctor Who has been a staple of British culture for over 50 years, and now it has officially infiltrated the language -that's why the Oxford English Dictionary will be adding the word Sonic Screwdriver to the newest edit...
Can This Quiz Guess Your Age Based on Your Language Use...

We all use language based on our backgrounds, life...  ...r age can make a big difference in your choice of words . So now Zimbio challenges you to see if the site...
The Real Meanings of Some Words

Image: Julija K.Sometimes when you want to know th...  ...initions don't give the blunt, honest meanings of words like the explanations provided here. Get down to...  ...t down to the brass tacks of a number of everyday words
Word Problems...

Grant Snider has a knack for taking something that was once considered a liability or weakness and finding new and creative ways of harnessing or focusing that very liabillity. At the same time, he reminds us that we are...
Ten Words That Started Out as Errors

Mental Floss put together a list of commonly used...  ...loss put together a list of commonly used English words that initially were errors. One example is the wo...  ...ctionary. Mental Floss provides other examples of words formed by metathesis: "bridd" turned into "bird,"...  ...nd "luchorpan" into "leprechau...
Synonyms For The 96 Most Commonly Used Words in English

Image credit: Flickr user Leon BrocardAs writers,...  ...writers, every one of us on this site try to find words that are a step apart from the most over-used words you often see on the web. Problem is, we have the...  ...u often see on the web. Problem is, we have these words...
31 Essential Science Fiction Terms And Where They Came From...

A lot of terms you might think came from science a...  ...actually came from science fiction. Some of those words , like robot, cryostasis, and spaceship were born...
Use the Words You Have

UniverseProjects told us about his Russian wife tr...  ...guage is hard, and it takes years to learn enough words to express everything you need to express. Meanwh...  ...ress. Meanwhile, you do the best you can with the words you have. And we can usually figure out what you...

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