Aaaaah, the holidays are here, and the chill in th... ...en, for the kiddies to watch dozens of times over winter break:BFF by TinkerpenOther animated Christmas mo... humidifiers can be a must-have in dry winter weather, but shooting wet, still water into the a..., Iran is known for its stifling summers and... is known for its stifling summers and freezing winters , so most traditional homes in the area have a nic... ...mes in the area have a nice, cozy living room for winter and an open, light-filled one for summer. This ho... ...ffering two different liv...[] (YouTube link)While... ...of spring, Canada has weeks to go before a normal winter is over, much less this latest “endless winter .” We feel for you buried under the snow the... Jon Gaffney)Jon Gaffney of Gear Patrol bra... ...Jon Gaffney)Jon Gaffney of Gear Patrol braved the winter weather to go in search of some of the most darin... ...nd who patiently wait for the harshest of weather winter weather conditions to ride 8-10 foot waves. The w...[] (YouTube link)Parent... will relate to this, especially this winter . There are probably plenty more snow days ahead b... Orin Zebest)Enjoying the brutal winter weather? It may count as your daily workout. Acco... time may seem like a boring, freezing cold and ex... as your own personal roleplaying game set in a wintery kingdom full of quests, danger and customizable w... anyone asks me what season is my favorite, I... ...mmer and I adore spring and fall, and I even like winter -but only up through Christmas. In fact, I like a...[] (YouTube link)Henry Reich shows you six fun things you can do when it's really cold outside. They all look like fun, except for the swimming. Yes, he goes swimming. In Wisconsin. In sub-zero...