British artist Ernest Howard Shepard became intern... ...ns included in the first edition of A. A. Milne's Winnie -the- Pooh .In 1966, Britain commemorated the nine hundredth... ...s, the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Winnie -the- Pooh... Year's Day is sometimes called Public Domain D... ....A. Milne's classic work of children's literature Winnie -the- Pooh .What else is now in the public domain? Book Riot...'ve been obsessed with toys since I was a little... ...alyptic versions of Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and Winnie The Pooh are seriously badass, with tons of tiny details t... Link)Fallen leaves are an iconic symbol of... ...piles of leaves into cool shapes, characters like Winnie the Pooh , and one amazing leaf rose bouquet.(Image Link)So... characters like Pikachu, Mickey Mouse and... ...trosities, Totoro into a scary woodland creature, Pooh into a ghoulish little blood eating bear-thing an... AA Milne wrote seven full-length novels in... ...s he wrote about his son and a stuffed bear named Winnie the Pooh .The children’s books added up to just 70,00... he’d already done. The success of the Pooh stories also undermined the reception of t... E.H. Shepard)In the original Winnie the Pooh stories, Pooh and Christopher Robin like to play a game that th... ...stopher Robin like to play a game that they call " Poohsticks ." This consists of standing on a bridge and dropp...... to Rapture)There's a tender line of friendsh... ...ndship attributed to the titular character in the Winnie the Pooh stories:If you live to be 100, I want to live to... Twitter user Shinrashinge uses everyday m... ...rybook, colored, cut, and covered with hunney for Winnie the Pooh .With select portions of skin removed and a bit of...’s a willy, nilly, silly old bear with an... ...g forest called the Hundred-Acre Wood. He’s Winnie The Pooh , and ever since A.A. Milne brought his son's stuf... ...lovin' little bear, including this tasty tidbit- Winnie the Pooh...