Trinity College Library | Image: Nic McPheeWords g... ...ons that would be great interspersed with our own vocabulary standards, if they aren't already in rotation. Th... you more literate than a third grader? If your... you more literate than a third grader? If your vocabulary is limited to the most popular songs on the Billb... is adding 150 new words to its collegiate dictionary this year. You already know most of them, just from using the internet, even if you don’t use them in your daily spoken language. Some of them ma...[] (YouTube link)Everything has a name, although many aren't used in everyday life. You, as a Neatoramanaut, probably know some of these names, but you can still learn some new ones in the late... beloved Basset Hound knew a lot of English word... ...South Carolina, named Chaser, who has the largest vocabulary of any known dog:[Psychologist John W. Pilley] bo... Vocab Didn't Save the Thesaurus Mug - $9.95 | T-shirt version Here's the perfect mug for your beloved logophile (lover of words, that is), exclusively available from the NeatoSh...'s monkeys have six basic sounds they make in the wild, but they can string these six sounds together in ways that mean many different things. Researcher Karim Ouattara spent 20 months observing six families of m... Goldin-Meadow and Meredith Rowe of Univers... ...have found a link between gesturing and improved vocabulary in toddlers. We all know that toddlers will... ...resting was the link between income disparity and vocabulary : Higher-income parents did gesture more and, mor... ...Science. Then the r... every aspect of war spawns new words, and, over time, many of them slip into everyday use. Sometimes, they even become downright peaceful in the process. For instance, triumph used to mean a victory ceremony for R... is a crisis of insults on the Web. On one hand, the volume of flames is very high yet the quality is poor. Gone are the days of the razor-sharp wit of Oscar Wilde and Winston Churchill*, only to b...