Amanda Joyner makes fascinators and pillbox ha... candy message hearts that would be perfect for Valentines Elliot Quince made linocut prints of cr... ...Quince made linocut prints of creepy/funny zombie valentines you can print out and give to someone you love -i... you want to give a kiss to impress for Valentines Day, you should brush up on what you think you kn..."Refreshing" head wipes for bald guys? This strang... ...n gifts that say, "I have no idea how to shop for Valentines Day." Link! We're now carrying wonderful products from... ...Online Store. This particular one above, My Punny Valentine , is a set of 5 revamped 1950's style Valentine cards that feature really bad - and therefore rea... ...efore really awesome - puns. They are perfect for Valentine... "Crankbunny" Toraya has some wonderful c... ...onderful creations in her Etsy store, perfect for Valentine 's Day. Head over to see the Secret Decoder Valentine Card, Valentine Dancing Paper Puppet Robot Doll, and Key to Ones... Paper Puppet Robot Doll, and Ke... Statue in Greenwich Park, London. Photo: L... ...of the Marmite Statue. Photo: Liz Hunt [Flickr]On Valentine 's Day, sculptor and Marmite lover Jeremy Fattorin... 's Day make you wanna puke, today's your day: St.... ...wanna puke, today's your day: St. Skeletor Day.St Valentine of course is the patron saint of making single pe... ...for men of the world to unite and put and end to Valentine 's Day:In the world of men, no one loo... our previous story about Saudi's ban on t... ...ious story about Saudi's ban on the color red for Valentine 's Day? Turns out that the anti- valentine sentiment wasn't limited to muslim extremists. In... ...India's Hindu hard-liners are showing no love for Valentine 's... those of you who didn't get it, here's a littl... ...2/14/08 - here's another cute one, Dog and Cat's Valentine :