Nik Freeman made a map of the United States based on census data from 20... Maine is land owned by logging companies. The map , and a lot of information about its creation, are... ...d a lot of information about its creation, are at mapsbynik . -via Metafilter out this United States map in which the states are resized according to thei... posted an analysis of Twitter data of tweets sent between June 2012 and May 2013 to find out the beer preference of various states. This one above shows what cheap beer is popular in different regions of the... Midwester looked up each state on Wikiped... ...uo;points of interest” to compile this U.S. map of the most interesting place in each state. I wa... Then a day later, he came up with a second map , this time using number counts for the most popular attr... Gregg constructed a map of the United States with a cocktail for each sta... ...state. At Buzzfeed, you'll find a list under the map with each state's drink, it's ingredients, and a... couple of weeks ago, we looked at some poor atte... ...have the perfect excuse for not knowing about the US map -they aren't from here. And some of the maps you think you could draw the United States, wit... ...ted States, with the states, without looking at a map ? It's a lot harder than you think! The staff at B... ...comments. Remember, this is without looking at a map , including the ones above. Lovelace created this map , titled "The Corporate States of America,&qu... ...tled "The Corporate States of America," using brands that best represent each one of the 50 s... ...states. He said: I created this map after writing an..., Idaho, Minnesota -to us , they are just place names, but in the Native Ame... ...Silke Peust of The Atlas of True Names created a map of the US that translate all the state names, and the large... ...gin is undetermined. See the zoomable interactive *strong clas...